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Welcome to the Communication in Care Online Course

Course Overview

Course Format: This course consists of a series of videos, knowledge review questions, and a completion test.

Flexibility: You can pause and resume the course at any time, and revisit videos as needed.

Device Compatibility

Any Device: Access the course on your computer, smartphone, or tablet.

Video Pinning: Pin the video to the top of your screen for simultaneous viewing and reading.

Course Features

Text Support: Each page includes supplementary text to reinforce video content.

Subtitles: Enable subtitles by clicking the CC icon for enhanced understanding.

Additional Assistance: Guidance is provided if questions are answered incorrectly.

Completion and Certification

Documentation: Upon passing the test, you can print your completion certificate, CPD statement, and learning statement.

Validation: Validate your certificate by scanning the QR code printed on it.

Support and Resources

Access: Explore additional resources and links on the course home page.

Updates: Check back regularly for new course materials and updates.

Duration: Enjoy access to the course for 8 months from your start date, even after completion.

Company Solutions

Free Dashboards: Contact us for information on free company dashboards for staff training.

Support: Receive complete support throughout your training journey.

Email Notifications

Weekly Updates: Receive weekly emails with course updates, new videos, and blog news.

Customization: Opt in or out of these emails at any time according to your preference.


We hope you find this course enjoyable and valuable. Thank you for choosing ProTrainings. Best of luck!